Appointments with Arif Bungash, M.D., MPH. (Consultant Psychiatrist) are covered by your provincial medicare policy. You will need to be reffered by a physician or a nurse practitioner. Please contact our office for details on fee for private consultations.

Our psychological therapy services are not covered by provincial medicare insurance. Psychology services are billed on an hourly basis ranging from $100- $195 per hour plus HST. An average session is an hour long. Some sessions may exceed one hour depending on the type of assessment. 

We do not direct bill third party insurance providers. You will be issued an official receipt for your payment.

We require advance payments for all counseling appointments.

We charge for all missed appointments. 

We accept all major credit cards and cash payments.

We are HST registered.

For further details please call our office.

Our Fees

Saint John Psychiatric &                   Counseling Associates

Appointments: (506) 642-7451